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Chawmos festival

11th-13th day Ditch sacred three-day

The most important events of the Chawmos start.

Throughout the night of the 10th day, the family that has a boy of 7 years old or a girl of 5 will bake bread . On the morning next day an initiation rite for the children will be held (goshnik) and the bread will be distributed. At night men will gather at the altar of Mahandeo (pushaw).
On the 12th day women will make willow baskets and at night, men gather at Batlik village with a huge fire wood in their hands from all over the valley (chanja). At a sacred place located above the village, a ritual for the God Balimain will be held (idrain).
Meanwhile women will sing and dance throughout the night in their villages and wait till the men come back at dawn on the 13th day (nangairo) .

In the evening of the 13th day, a ritual to return to the secular life takes place. (amatak saras). Again the village will be opened for outsiders.
