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It's a pity the sound quality is bad.If you want to
listen to good recording,
then don't just sit there but order "Music of the Earth
Music of the
Uchaw Festival
Song and dance of the
Uchaw. Aug. 1984
This is "cha". The elders sing in the middle and aroud them,
about hundred dancers dance to the fast rythem of the drum,
each singing a monotonous tune.
Song and dance of the
Joshi. May 1987
On the second day of the festival, "Chirikpipi", the girls sing
this tnue merrily swinging milk cans as they go collecting milk
from the goatsheds.
Song and dance of the
Chawmos. Dec. 1985
This is a prayer song sung by women on the first day of
Chowmos, "Sarazari". They knock the door with a walnut (you can
hear it in this recording) and pray to the goddess Jeshtak for
welfare and health.
Prince Riaz ud-din of the royal family on
sitar. Dec. 1989
Riaz is playing a tune called "Dani". Dani is a slow tune but
it increases the speed as it goes along. Usually it has a song
but here you can enjoy the instrument alone.
"Ustadans"(Proffessional musicians) on the drum and flute. Aug. 1982
The band consists of reed pipe "surnai" and two types of drum, "dhol" and "damama". Here they are playing "Arghaniwar" which means an afghan tune.
A song for the hawk. Oct .1999
Chitralis are very found of hunting and among them falconry is popular among the ruling class. This song "Shodong" is sung when one catches a hawk for the falconry.
A famous song of Laspur valley. Sep. 1999 This old folk song is about two sisters, Luk and Buluk . It is sang on weddings when the bride is departing her house.
Very old dance and song recorded in village Mastuj. Aug .1982 These style of dance and song called "Pastok" and "Northic" are only performed in the northern areas. This is a love song and is sung in Pastok style, three men dancing in a circle while two men at the side sing in diologue.
Also an old love song recorded in Laspur valley. September 1999. People dance energishly with the beating of the drum called "duff"
A famous dance song recorded in Chapali, Mastuj. Sep.1999
The song is about an old women who journeyed all the way from Gilgit. It has a traditional dance.